Friday, March 17, 2017

Role of ICT in recent history of EDSA DOS

      Sixteen years ago, Filipinos gathered at the historic. Throughout EDSA, where freedom was once won against a dictator In 1986. The second revolution (EDSA II) was a four-day protest from 17-20 January 2001 that peacefully overthrew the government of Joseph Estrada. The protest eventually triggered Estrada's and paved the way for Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, his vice president, to enter the spotlight in the political schene.


     Information and Communication Technology or ICT is a valuable tool that can be used for the economic development of the country.  ICT played a major role in the Philippine History. 1983-1986, EDSA or the People Power Revolution happened because of radio broadcasting that persuade Filipinos to help end the regime of then President Ferdinand Marcos. During the EDSA Dos, through text brigades the revolution might not be successful. In Million People March. 
      The organizers and promoters used Facebook and as their medium to protest the misuse of the Priority Development Assistance Fund. In Yolanda People Finder, a people finder database powered by Google. It is made for people across the globe to track the situation of their relatives. ICT can be really useful in our country. It help us to improve our economy and solve issues. Though there are times that it create a problem we can't deny the fact that it also help our country.

Thursday, March 16, 2017



    The EDSA people power revolution was surprised all over the world by the nonviolently overthrowing the brutal dictator Ferdinand Marcos, known as "The Hitler of Southeast Asia" they called their movement "People Power" demotration in an amazing way the power of Active, truth and love, that began in 1983 and culminated on February 22-25 1986. A history had never been forgotten million of Filipinos. The Marcos family were accused of plundering the country coffers, while thousands went missing or tortured during the brutal two-decade regime.
      The Philippines was praised worldwide in 1986 for EDSA people power revolution, they gathered all Filipinos in unity, courage and faith to prevail democracy in the country. The revolution was result of the long oppressed freedom and the life of threatening abuses and human rights during of the tyrannical Martial Law. 
      The movement of EDSA people power revolution was successful, and Ferdinand Marcos was removed from office to put Corazon Aquino as the President of the Philippines. According to former president of the University of the Philippines Francisco Nememzo "without radio Veritas it would have been difficult, if not impossible to mobilize millions of people in a matter of hours. This part of the history give us a strong sense of pride had attempted to emulate what we have shown the world of the true power of democracy. 
